Survey Results
During the 2022/2023 school year our staff spent time gathering and analysing evidence to see how we were accomplishing our goals of strengthening student connection to our school community. Our students at the grade 4 and 7 levels completed the Student Learning Survey this year and we used the results as a staff to find evidence of student connectedness. We focused on three important questions related to our goal. The evidence indicates, that while we are beginning to achieve our goals of students feeling connected to the school community, there is still some work to be done connecting students, especially our oldest students, to a greater range of adults in the school.
Is school a place where you feel you belong?
Hamilton 4: 73% said most or all of the time
District results: 61% said most or all of the time
Hamilton 7: 57% said most or all of the time
District results: 66% said most or all of the time
How many adults do you think care about you at your school?
Hamilton 4: 60% said 3 or more adults 38% don’t know
District results: 58% said 3 or more adults 27% don’t know
Hamilton 7: 40% said 3 or more adults 46% don’t know
District results: 49% said 3 or more adults 31% don’t know
I am Happy at/I like school?
Hamilton 4: 77% said most or all of the time
District results: 74% said most or all of the time
Hamilton 7: 70% said most or all of the time
District results: 61% said most or all of the time