School Vision Working Group
After scanning our students, and as a staff, collaboratively analyzing the scan results, we realized that the underlying foundation for learning is belonging. Most of our students are served well by the current systems, structures, and activities that are in place in our community. But there are still students who are struggling to connect with others, and with the learning process.
We also realized that our staff and students’ families need to feel a sense of belonging as well… and that their sense of connection and belonging will also be passed along to the students.
So, it emerged that our first step is to foster belonging for all… How can we nurture a sense of belonging for every member of our Hamilton Community?
We formed a committee- our “School Vision Working Group” to synthesize our ideas for nurturing belonging, and to guide this vision throughout next school year.
-post-pandemic loss of connection and belonging/ isolation
Aligning our School Story- School Wide Activities – Professional Development – (possibly some of our Innovation Grants too!)
At Hamilton we are committed to values of Equity, Inclusion, Diversity and Decolonization.
How do we nurture belonging for every member of our Hamilton Community?
Our Vision for the 2022/2023 School Year
- Monthly themes based on values (courage, persevering through challenge, taking care of the Earth, etc.)
- Monthly staff committees plan the events/assemblies for the month
- One member of the School Vision Working Group to join each committee
- School Vision Working group meets regularly to assess how things are going
- Increase student connection through Family Teams, assemblies, leadership opportunities, etc.