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Soaring with H.A.W.K.S. to New Heights

On our most recent Pro-D Day our staff met to revist our H.A.W.K.S. Acronym and plan ways to further introduce and imbed these values to our students. The global Covid19 Pandemic has posed a number of challenges for us moving forward with this social responsibility initiative. We are currently restricted in the kinds of activities and groupings we can do with our students. Our Family Teams Days would have been the main vehicle for implementing the H.A.W.K.S. ideals, but we are not able to go ahead with these this year. So our teachers met to brainstorm ways we can move forward within the restrictions we face. A number of positive ideas came out of the meeting that the teachers are excited about bringing to life in their classrooms and a number of school wide activities prove to be encouraging. The next few months of the school year will see many of these ideas implemented at Hamilton.

Updated: Tuesday, November 30, 2021