From Assessing to Implementing
Using the easy CBM Reading Assessments last year we were able to identify students who were reading below grade level and who required intensive support. We found this to be so successful we are using the program again this year with those students who may still require support.
This year we are also focussing on the teaching side of improving student reading performance. We want to improve the overall direct instruction of teaching from kindergarten to grade 7. We have been implementing several strategies to achieve this goal. During our recent Professional Development Day many of our classroom teachers spent time developing ideas from the district Pillars of Literacy program such as at the grade 6/7 level using Getting Graphic: Image and Design Analysis, at the 4/5 level looking at ways to enhance reading instruction including decoding and comprehension. At the 3/4 level, teachers were exploring different resources for literacy instruction thru the lens of First Nations plants and the use of our land. Our primary teachers, in consultation with their resource teachers, investigated purchasing current leveled readers to target students at their individual reading level.
Our whole staff spent the rest of the day engaged in developing book clubs using the ideas of renowned educator Adrienne Gear, who says:
There is a huge difference “doing reading” and “teaching reading”. No matter what grade we teach, we are responsible for teaching reading to our students.
Our next steps are to see the results from all our students after teachers have had the time to implement the new teaching strategies they have been studying, and if there is a significant change in the reading abilities of our students.